Blanca Tovias

Vice President

Blanca Tovias is the National Vice-President of National Coalition of Federal Aviation Employee with Disabilities (NCFAED).

Ms. Tovias joined the FAA as a contractor in 1999 and became a federal employee in 2001. In my employment with the FAA, I have held additional leadership roles. I was the President of American Federation of Government Employees Local 2282 from 2017 to 2021. I was also the Co-Chair of Labor Management Forum (LMF) current known as National Employee Involvement Team (NEIT) from 2018 to 2021.

All of these roles of AFGE Local 2282 President, LMF Co-Chair and V.P of NCFAED have a commonality and that is it supports Diversity, Equality, Accessibility and Inclusion (DEIA). These roles have given me the platform to address outliers, concerns and any areas of improvements. These roles have allowed me to articulate steps to increase the metrics of the less represented i.e. PWD/PWTD, females and minorities. In each of the roles, I have been able to be an advocate by being an active listener to all those within the agency.

Ms. Tovias is a graduate of the University of Central Oklahoma holding a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy.

I joined NCFAED to assist others where the need arises and to be the voice of change advocating for their concerns. I am proud of the work that NCFAED has initiated in promoting DEIA throughout the FAA. NCFAED has been instrumental in increasing the hiring percentage of PWD/PWTD. NCFAED helps with bringing awareness and education as not all disabilities are visible to the eye. I am passionate and energetic about the cause and the (dis)abilities of our employees.